How it started!
5ive were put togetha by the same father and sun team Bob and Chris Herbet. 5ive were chosen as the group from 3,000 other guys. J, SCOTT, RICH, ABS, and SEAN, were the final 5ive! Soon later 5ive moved into their own house together in Surrey to get their music act together!
It didn't take long until 5ive were a well know pop group! Their fist single 'slam dunk da funk' went straight into the top ten UK charts, and that success follwed everysong they released. Every song 5ive always went straight into the top 10. 5ive also have sold millions of copies of their 3 albums, worldwide. They are:
5ive Invincible and Kingsize.
This is not all!! In the Year 2000 5ive had their first ever uk and world tour invincible,which was sold out each time.
How it ended
On Thursday, 27th August, 5ive sadly announced at 4.30pm on MTV that this was the end of 5ive. The lads told us that they have achieved everything they had wanted to achieve. To say goodbye, 5ive will release a double a/side single, of Closer to me/Rock da party. These songs are taken from the final 5ive album, Kingsize.
The video of Closer to me, is of 5ive from day one until lets'dance video.
Click on the numbered photo pages to see each member's pix.